What we do
ECOSLIGHT will identify a set of emerging job role profiles representing the current and future market (skills) needs. For each of them, a modular VET curriculum will be designed, applying a specific VET methodology based on learning outcomes and the principles of adult education, exploiting the potential of online, face-to-face and work based learning. Each VET curricula will be composed of competences identified during the analysis of needs and training offers, including lighting-related competences, digital competences, life and green competences.
A repository of digital Open Educational Resources (OERs) will be developed, to support the acquisition of the aforementioned types of competences. Using these, a MOOC for acquiring the basic and common competences of the different job role profiles, and a Specialization Training Course including motivational e-learning and face-to-face lectures and a work based learning phase will be offered in France, Italy, Germany and Greece. The project will adopt European instruments in order to improve the recognition of the identified qualifications. Communities of practice that ensure sustainability of results beyond project end will be formed.
The project will produce a multitude of diverse outputs and outcomes, printed and online, tangible and intangible, including reports, methodologies and policies, VET curricula, standards, digital content and tools, courses, publications, events and communities. More specifically:
- Reports: Report on the mapping of lighting-related skills supply and demand at national (for the 4 participating countries), report on Emerging job role profiles for lighting-design related professionals, evaluation reports, exploitation plan listing the main outcomes and possible exploitation roadmaps.
- Methodologies and policies: VET Methodology and Handbooks (one for each job role profile) based on learning outcomes and principles of adult education for realizing modular high-quality VET curricula in the lighting sector, new approaches to education and competence development that capitalize on the full potential of various learning settings, procedures to validate the non-formal, informal and prior learning in the lighting-related construction sector, guidelines for mapping VET curricula to EQF and NQFs of the participating countries.
- Standards: application of ECVET to facilitate recognition of learning and mobility, quality assurance in the VET curriculum using EQAVET, adoption of the e-Competence Framework, DigComp, EntreComp, LifEComp, Green skills, mapping VET curricula to EQF and NQFs of the participating countries.
- VET curricula: Competence based modular VET curricula for the identified job role profiles
- Digital content: Digital OERs that support the acquisition of more than 50 digital competences helpful for the lighting professionals of the future.
- Courses: A MOOC for acquiring the basic competences of job role profiles will be made available to all construction industry professionals in Europe and worldwide and a Specialization Training Course including e-learning and face-to-face lectures and a work based learning phase with different set of competences delivered for each VET curricula.
- Enrolling more than 800 construction industry professionals into the MOOC and at least 100 professionals to the Specialization Course.
- Online tools: Online training and collaboration platform that stimulates sharing and exchange of knowledge, experiences and best practices, and provides community support even beyond the lifetime of the project.
- Dissemination materials in all project languages, the project web site, project social media, scientific publications, white papers and a book summarizing the outcomes of the project.
- A European conference (at least 100 participants) to sustain the dialogue among construction / lighting –related stakeholders regarding emerging job roles, skills shortage, training needs, employability etc.; awareness raising, promotion and exploitation events in all participating countries
- National sector alliances, including learners, lighting stakeholders, VET organizations and other stakeholders and communities of interest that ensure sustainability of results beyond the lifetime of the project.